Dear Parents and Baby Care Specialists,Once you download the app, follow the instructions to register your account
AppStore PlayStore
Download the LittleOne.Care application with or without having the Elora
Download the LittleOne.Care application to register for free as a Baby Expert
Track the combined daily singing and speaking time (Coming soon)
Monitor your baby’s active time each day. Utilize playful activities to ensure your baby remains active and stimulated
Tracks the quality of air next to your baby around the clock
Actionable insights empowering parents to promptly address the issues
Map the consistency of care over time, day and night. with any caregiver
Track everything in one place for your peace of mind
Monitor your baby’s activities, click on the specific button for more details
Get a direct access to an expanding network of baby care specialists
Map the number of words spoken to your baby each day and over time
Add, edit, and track your baby’s day-to-day events for consistent care
Track the total time your baby spent in tummy time every day
Map the daily sleeping patterns at home and the daycare
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