Join the LittleOne.Care Family
Launching Our Beta Trial
Attention all parents, the LittleOne.Care Beta trial is underway! LittleOne.Care is developing a platform that includes a baby's wearable device called Elora, a cell phone application for parents, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.
Determining Our Goals
During the Beta trial, we plan on working hands-on with several hundred families. Our main goals during the trial are to receive feedback from parents, collect data, and improve the accuracy of our algorithms and AI. By the end of this trial, we will start mass production and launch the product to the public.
Emphasizing Trial Benefits
Our Beta trial offers an amazing experience to work with cutting-edge technology, gain interesting insights about your baby’s life events, and work with leading people from different disciplines.
Joining the Beta Trial
If you are interested in joining the Beta trial, register here.
We will schedule a 30-minute Zoom call with you and one of our skilled representatives. At LittleOne.Care we value your time and we stress efficiency. Therefore, we suggest that both presents are present on the Zoom call to ensure all parties are in agreement before beginning product testing. During this call, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the product.
After the Zoom call, we will ask you to complete a short survey (five minutes) to learn about your expectations from our newly developed solution. Once the survey is completed, you will receive a box with all of the materials necessary to register your device and begin using the product. After completing the registration process, we will ask you to complete a short survey (three minutes) to provide us with your feedback regarding the unboxing and registration process.
Participating in the Beta Trial
Adults use smartwatches to improve daily life. We developed a device that can enhance a baby’s quality of care. While attached to the baby's clothing, our device tracks the baby’s daily events, such as laughing, crying, tummy time, rolling, sleep, and activity time. In the early evening, preferably during bath time, place the device in the docking station to begin the uploading process. Once the upload is complete, you will have access to all of your baby’s events from the day. Then, place the device back onto your baby’s clothing to continue tracking.
Tracking Insights
If used daily, the device can provide insights into the baby’s life by analyzing patterns across different periods of time. This is why we suggest using the product every day. At the end of the trial, we will send you another short survey (five minutes) to gather any feedback. If you feel comfortable, send us a one-minute video of yourself describing your feedback. This video is completely optional.
Chatting with LittleOne.Care
Throughout the trial, you will be in a private WhatsApp group chat with a LittleOne.Care team member. In this group chat, feel free to ask any questions, leave any comments, or share any concerns with us in real-time. This dedicated WhatsApp group enables LittleOne.Care to address your issues and provide you with immediate support.
If you choose to participate in our Beta trial, we will provide you with a free device the moment we launch the commercial product.
We hope you choose to join us on this incredible and innovative journey to better understand our babies!