Talk the Talk and Walk The Walk: Closing The Gap
Beyond education, opportunities, and family income, parents are the single largest contributors to the intelligence, skills, values, and character of their children.
Parents have the best intentions to support their children's’ development and play an active role in their lives, but unfortunately, all too often jobs and other commitments get in the way of giving 110% to your child.
Certain economic situations can make this situation even more difficult. In a study by Betty Hart and Todd R. Risley (1995), they found large gaps in the amount of words spoken to babies by social and economic background; “Children in families on welfare heard about 600 words per hour, working-class children heard 1,200 words, while children from professional families heard 2,100 words.” While this is not the parent’s fault fully- they have other priorities on their plate, it is important to be aware of the gaps and work to close them.
Additionally, the Harvard University project “Making Caring Common” found that a majority of children across a wide array of cultures and classes reported that they value personal successes, such as fame and happiness, over caring for others. This problem stems from a disconnect between what parents say they value most and the real messages they convey- when they praise their children for beating peers in competitions or grades, or complain about not receiving a raise over a coworker. Their solution is “for adults to “walk the talk,” inspiring, motivating, and expecting caring and fairness in young people day to day, even at times when these values collide with children’s moment to moment happiness or achievement.” When we care for our children and teach them to care for others, they will grow up to be more caring individuals.
Many people make a New Year’s resolution to start going to the gym, but do not follow through. Smartwatches provide a smart tool for athletes to monitor activity levels and encourage more engagement, so they follow through with their commitments.
LittleOne.Care's mission with the Elora Baby Wellness Monitor is to extend the same concept to parents and caregivers. It maps the time spent with the baby, including singing, talking, and playing, promoting vital parent-child interactions. The Elora offers a wide range of safety features, such as scanning the baby's belly motions and detecting aggressive care or falling.
All parents strive to follow through with their commitments to their little ones. LittleOne.Care and the Elora Baby Wellness Monitor is here to help make that easier.