Why Did You Join the LittleOne.Care Family?
Learning More About What Motivated Our CEO and CMO to Create The Elora Baby Wellness Monitor.
What was the motivation behind creating Elora? How did the idea of “giving a baby a voice” come about? We interviewed Co-Founders Ami Meoded (CMO) and Shauli Arieh (CEO).
Ami Meoded’s Motivation:
“When I was born, my mom almost died, so my aunt raised me for 6 months. Because of this, I was never breastfed like my brothers were. During all of my life, I found myself attracted to anything related to babies: I was head of PTA, I set up an elementary school for kids, I was involved in kindergarten classes, and I volunteered in programs for kids (etc). Professionally, I was involved in bringing Barney the Dinosaur, Ninja Turtles, Jungle Book & Dora the Explorer to Israel. Even more so, I was involved with parents' decision-making in the health department. When Shauli approached me with the idea of LittleOne.Care, I helped and consulted him for a while. Usually, after I consult for a project I charge them. The first meeting I had with Shauli was for free because I realized how important this project was to me. Only after 10 meetings, Shauli asked me to officially join the team. We set up the company within three months and started raising money and expanding our team immediately.”
Shauli Arieh’s Motivation:
“I have been into technology my whole life. My sister, brother, and I used to build Lego Engineering kits and my mother says I used to count stairs in groups of three. In school I always liked math, and during the summer vacations, I learned programming with friends. For me as a kid, James Bond was not the real hero, but rather it was Q, his associate gadgets lady. It was clear to me that I wanted to learn physics and computer science at university. I knew I enjoyed discovering how everything really works in the world. After uni, I worked in programming and managing projects of many engineers. I used my knowledge to create innovative technologies. After this job, I realized it is possible to use my experience to improve the well-being of babies. Together with my friends, we established LittleOne.Care. I'm excited to go to work every day for this purpose. The amazing team of LittleOne.Care does an amazing job in technology, product development, and branding, all for a better world for babies and young families”
Help us continue this passion and love for our babies. They deserve to have a voice and be understood. Join our Beta trial and our LittleOne.Care family.